If you're wondering about postpartum and how to prepare for it, take an empowering step forward in your journey with this comprehensive guide. It will help demystify this time of life and impart all the practical guidance you need to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared.
Wondering about Postpartum?
Traditional Postpartum Wisdom
Introduction to Matrescence
Planning Tools & Exercises
Print & Display Templates
Journalling Prompts
“Let’s get one thing straight, early postpartum is a wildly transformative time and contrary to the romanticised version of motherhood we’re presented with, it’s tender work.
There’s no way to prepare your soul for the journey ahead - for the mystery and hidden depths, the surrender, shedding, learning, and eventually blossoming anew - all of this growth is experienced in the moment, in the weeks, months, and years of early motherhood.
To make space for this metamorphosis though, you can prepare physically, mentally, and emotionally so that the seeds of your new self are nurtured as they take root.
I created this companion so I can journey alongside you, even from afar. The first two sections ‘Past, Present, and Emerging Wisdom’ and ‘The Essentials’ are a collection of thoughts, suggestions, and wisdom from not only myself but also my teachers. The final section ‘Bringing it all Together’ is a series of resources and templates created to help you prepare practically for early postpartum.
My greatest wish is that your experience of becoming a mother feels like coming home to yourself and I hope the pages ahead will help you begin orientating toward that future. It is yours by right. It is yours to claim.”